We want to join with parents in nurturing a solid faith in their children. Our youth and children’s ministry venues strive to be places where young people can connect and have fun while learning about the personal and caring nature of God.

Our current children’s ministries include:

  • Kingdom Kids:  Our children’s Sunday School program is called Kingdom Kids and is held at 9:30am every Sunday morning (for the duration of the 9:30am Sunday morning worship service). Children learn about Jesus and receive Biblical lessons while enjoying time with their friends and teachers.
  • Kids and Family Ministries: We continue offer fun and family-friendly events throughout the year designed specifically for kids. Please keep an eye on our home page to see what we have planned!

For more information or if you’re interested in volunteering with our little ones, please contact Amy Faitsch, Director of Children’s Ministries, via email here.

Summer Ministries:

  • BE Free Sports & Art Camp: Truly a highlight of our year! Dozens of volunteers join the team every summer to host a fun and dynamic camp for kids in our community.

Click here to read our Safety & Security Policy and learn how we’re committed to keeping children safe.
*Please check our Weekly Update to see if the ministry you’re interested in meets this week!