You’re invited on an exciting journey to discover God’s unique calling for BE Free’s future!
Our quest began at Summit #1 on Sunday, July 23 after a combined worship service. We worked together in groups to reflect on significant events, people, and ministry milestones in BE Free’s past. Next, we identified the values that motivated the church’s responses to these events and evaluated our discoveries in light of God’s heart and will for His Church. Our afternoon concluded with an inspiring concert of prayer.
Visioning Summits are for anyone in high school or older who attends BE Free Church – whether you helped build our current facility thirty plus years ago or you just started attending.
If you weren’t able to attend Summit #1 on July 23, please be sure to sign up for a Pulse Group so you can have input in this process. Your input in this process is vital. Please join your BE Free family as we seek God’s will for this church and pursue it together.
To sign up for a Pulse Group, please click the button below.
And don’t forget to mark your calendar for Summit #2 on Sunday, September 17, 11:15am-3:30pm and Summit #3 on Sunday, November 12, 11:15am-3:30pm.